Thursday, December 18, 2008

Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow

By writing this blog I just might be ruining our chances of a snow day tomorrow. The predictions are out. I, as many teachers do, enjoy a snow day or two-especially when they occur right before the winter break. I will be so bold to say that teachers look forward to snow days even more than students! There, I wrote it.

I know of one teacher, actually a close friend of mine, who does not appreciate the occasional snow day. One less day to mold the minds of youth I guess. Isn't education all about quality and not quantity? He is a very serious person.


Benmanship said...

The only thing binding me to school is school itself. Only reason I want school tomorrow is so I don't have to take my Chemistry chapter test after break.

Anonymous said...

Funny how we got an ice storm instead of snow. Ah wells, it did it's job. :) Course now I don't want to drive anywhere.