Thursday, December 18, 2008

Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow

By writing this blog I just might be ruining our chances of a snow day tomorrow. The predictions are out. I, as many teachers do, enjoy a snow day or two-especially when they occur right before the winter break. I will be so bold to say that teachers look forward to snow days even more than students! There, I wrote it.

I know of one teacher, actually a close friend of mine, who does not appreciate the occasional snow day. One less day to mold the minds of youth I guess. Isn't education all about quality and not quantity? He is a very serious person.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Where An Adult Can Act Like A Kid

Sometimes, Fists Fly at Chuck E. Cheese's

Many times I find myself fighting a battle with students regarding the use or show of violence to solve problems. I often propose humanity and morality themes within the texts I teach. Why shouldn't I? High school literature lends itself to this type of dialogue. Often, students find nothing wrong with swinging a fist rather than rationalizing the consequence. Scary, right?

Then, articles like this appear. The irony is obvious I hope. I can only hope my students see the absurdity.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

How I Spent My Saturday

Did you ever wonder what an Ohio Education Association meeting looked like? Probably not. This picture shows my thrilling Saturday of rhetoric and politics.

I am learning a lot; however, I am not sure I understand everything that is going on. I have made some rookie mistakes according to my buddy, teacher Mr. Dan Greenberg, but he is showing me the ropes (interpret that any way you must if you know Mr. Greenberg). I will be better prepared next year.

The guy who is talking right now has a mustache (see my previous blog).

This is my first mobile blog.

Friday, December 5, 2008

I think I'm going to 'YAK

I went kayaking last summer, and I think it has become my new obsession. For those people who know me, I tend to get involve in things as hobbies until I either get bored with them, master them or make money off of them. In my lifetime I have taken up playing the guitar, golf, indoor soccer, magic (as in pulling a rabbit out a hat), fishing, camping, collecting movie costume replicas, blogging (which has stuck), and probably others I'm forgetting at the moment.

I also like the excuse to buy gear. I have a problem. The problem is that once I have identified the hobby/obsession I have to keep upgrading and adding to the collection with accessories.

This summer's main attraction for me will be kayaking...I guarantee it. I have been researching kayaks to buy, and visiting numerous kayaking websites to actually learn more about why I might even want to take it up.

Sitting at lunch yesterday, I was surprised to find out I was the only person in the room to have paddle only once in a kayak. How did I go 32 years without 'yaking? That's how some people in the sport refer to it-'yaking. I saw the term on a few websites anyway.

The nature aspect intrigues me. A kayak allows one to see nature along rivers and lakes up close. Nature that may not normally be seen. At this point I do not think the extreme, white-water kayaking is what I want. I am looking for day trips and camping excursions for now.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Top Fives

What are your top fives? Today I had an interesting conversation with some students who make top five lists for everything. They had a wide variety of lists. Everything from top five movie trilogies (Star Wars doesn't count anymore), to top five sit-coms, to top five SUV's, etc. I don't think top five lists have to be in any particular order.

Some of my top fives are:

Top five movies:

1. Raiders of the Lost Ark
2. Fight Club
3. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
4. Star Wars
5. Apocalypse Now
(Dead Poets Society comes in a very close 6th)

Of course movies could be broken up into genres.

Top five musical groups:

1. U2
2. Chevelle
3. Pink Floyd
4. AC/DC
5. Outkast

Music could be broken into genres, too.

Remember, these are in no particular order. These are also open to change.

Listing away your life is probably not the best idea, but it passes the time.

What are some of your top fives? Movies? Rappers? Rockers? Plays? Books? Cars?

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

If Anyone Can Do It, Brad Pitt Can!

I found these headlines in the news today humorous:

Brad Pitt details holiday hair surprise

Brad Pitt: "My Goal" Is to Bring the Moustache Back in Style

I say, the 'stache may be a bit antiquated, and that is okay. Remember, I fancy myself a sweater vest connoisseur after all. Bring the mustache back. It hearkens back to a more sophisticated day. I think with Brad Pitt's help, it can be done.

How long will it take the trend to take hold around here? Probably not soon enough. I'm giving a few points of extra credit to anyone in my class who can grow and pull off the Kenneth Branagh mustache from Hamlet, since we happen to be reading the tragedy at this point in the year. It's not really taking off for some reason. Trends around these 'stacheless parts usually hit a year or two after they are created or discovered (see skinny ties, and clothes that actually fit), so we shall see.

Also, check out: The Year Of The Mustache (PHOTOS)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Grades! Grades! Grades!

It's that time of the quarter. Midterms have come out. Some students are in a panic. I have already answered many questions as to why students' grades are lower than they expected. Why is it always a surprise? Most questions on this can be answered if the student truly thinks back to their own preparation, attention, and effort. For those students who are struggling, keep working as hard as you can. You will be rewarded by your efforts.

I am here to help students get the best grades possible. However, learning something along the way is paramount. The grade is a number. What have you learned since the beginning of the school year? Can you make a list? Can you see how each item on that list applies to life? Try to transfer it to your current life, or your future. For those who may not be in school...what have YOU learned in the last five months? Here is another question: Veteran teachers-What have you learned in the last five months?

Students, I'm still in school. I know how and why grades are important. Don't panic...yet.

Mobile Blogging

I just became a mobile blogger. We shall see where this blog goes. Pun intended?

Monday, December 1, 2008

What Thanksgiving Dish Are YOU?

I look at this blog SIDEWALK SHOES and wonder: If I were a Thanksgiving dish, what would I be? What would I see? How would I feel?

How about that for a creative writing blog!?

Feel free to comment on what Thanksgiving dish you would be.

Me? I would be the greenbean casserole of course...a timeless classic.

Black Friday Is Crazy!

Black Friday Shooting

Man Trampled on Black Friday

Take a look at the above stories on some of the horrible happenings of Black Friday. A perfect example of "stuff" being the most important thing. What are the holidays about again? I agree with Clytie Bunyan that, "too many people lose their humanity on Black Friday."

Baaaaaaa! Run sheep, run! You are not your flat screen TV!

The herd mentality of the bargain hunters. Unpleasant to say the least.