Monday, April 27, 2009


I like what the academHacK has to say about Twitter and education. If anyone is wondering why in the world an educator should start a Twitter account, this guy has all the answers. He mentions that most teachers will go through the "I just don't get it" stage...I did. He makes the case for Twitter, though. I may even start following him on Twitter!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Yes the title of this blog is cliche, I know. I must say that I have sold Twitter to my students. Some students were a bit apprehensive because they know that getting messages from me regularly will make them even more accountable. Other students invited the idea of getting regular updates from their teacher. It's so easy to do from my end of things too!

As parents will be able to access student grades via the Internet next year, I figure it would work to the students' benefit to receive updates and assignments on the one thing they don't leave home without-a cell phone.

When I get more students signed up in about a week, I think I might offer some extra credit via the Twitter service to see who is paying attention. Of course I will offer some other credit for those who don't have a means to acquire Twitter. However, I doubt that will be many students.

Monday, April 20, 2009


Yes, I'm Twittering now! I was of course a naysayer, but now I want to experiment with this networking site. The ultimate goal is getting my students and parents more connected with the class. It's all about accountability. Will it work?

Friday, April 17, 2009

Web Washed Away

It has been a while since my last post. The district's Internet filter is fickle with and sometimes does not allow me to post during the school day. Students ask if I have a code to get through our filter, and I answer with a "no". Today is a beautiful sunny day, and our filter is allowing me to blog. Maybe it's the weather.

Why do we need an Internet filter in a school district? The answers to that question are obvious. Administratively, it is a safety issue for students. However, is too much information filtered? I would say, yes. I hope teachers are given the capability to get through the filter eventually. We shall see.