Thursday, October 30, 2008

What is this all about?

Although blogging has been around now for a while. I was surprised to find out that many of my students are new to online journalling and blogging. Why? Probably because a great extent of their time is taken up by Myspace and Facebook. They have never thought to use these social networking sites for anything but commenting on pictures placed up by other users/peers.

So, here is the idea. I'm a teacher of English/Language arts and I'm starting an academic blog. I want my students to write every day. I want them to realize the worldwide audience. I want them to understand that their writing is a powerful thing. Most importantly, I want my students to understand that writing for a real world audience means their writing should be a perfect expression of who they are-a perfectly written reflection of who they are.

Take a look at the student links provided. They will take the reader into the poetry, musings, and day-to-day thoughts of some really great students.